Gender Still Makes A Difference

In AAUW-Dialog, Christy Jones, Direc­tor of Mem­ber­ship, AAUW wrote about the pop­u­lar blog­ger that outed her­self as a woman. You have to read the post on Copy­blog­ger about why she used a male pseu­do­nym for her Inter­net based copy­writ­ing busi­ness. The bot­tom line was that as “James” she got more busi­ness, more money more respect, and less has­sle from clients.

When I fol­lowed the link to the web­site, I was sur­prised to find out it is one of the blogs I fol­low reg­u­larly. Her post about her expe­ri­ence has struck a nerve with many read­ers. Her post has been “retweeted” 2197 times and over 515 have com­mented on her blog. The reac­tion has been inter­est­ing with peo­ple divided on her use of a male name.  The post and the com­ments are worth read­ing.  2010 is almost here and women are still fac­ing bla­tant gen­der dis­crim­i­na­tion. AAUW is needed as much now as when it started 127 years ago.