AAUW Website Changes

The AAUW web­site will lit­tle dif­fer­ent for the next few months as they tran­si­tion to a redesigned site. An interim site, a stream­lined ver­sion of the cur­rent AAUW web­site will be in place until the new site is avail­able in Novem­ber 2009. With the orga­ni­za­tional changes at AAUW, many pages have been moved, changed or tem­porar­ily removed.

As AAUW has under­gone orga­ni­za­tional changes, we are also redesign­ing the AAUW web­site to serve you bet­ter. The redesigned site will be com­pleted in Novem­ber 2009. If a page or con­tent you or other AAUW mem­bers are seek­ing is not cur­rently avail­able on the interim site, please con­tact webmaster@aauw.org.