Laverne Gaskins, state program vice president, has asked for persons interested in serving on a program committee for the AAUW portion of the Georgia AAUW convention to contact her at (If you are typing this, don’t forget the double l). She will not be able to attend the convention due to the wedding of her daughter, so assistance is especially needed this time. Please respond as soon as possible. This committee will be chaired by Laverne and she will appoint someone to serve as her representative at the convention. The date is April 16 for the evening banquet and awards and Saturdaym April 17 for programming and the business meeting.
This is a great opportunity to help shape the Saturday program. The theme is “Women Confronting Challenging Topics.” Here are some possible topics for consideration.
- Is the struggle for women’s equality over? Do young women believe this?
- Should groups of people from other cultures living in the US be allowed to follow the customs of their homeland, even if they oppress women and girls? What if women and girls are injured?
- Are there women who choose submission, and to what extent should this be permitted?
- How can subtle discrimination best be countered?
- What are the factors that keep women from remaining in STEM professions?
- What is a good work/life balance for a woman today and how can we attain it?
- What is the nature of the conflicts in schools today between and within genders?
- What is the relationship between political parties and AAUW’s mission? (let’s hear from the AAUW Republicans and Democrats)
- What is the meaning of feminism today?
- Is the struggle for women’s equality over? Do young women believe this?
If you have ideas for speakers or panel members, please contact Laverne.