The state bylaws have been reviewed with several changes being suggested. Download the proposed bylaws to review and be prepared to discuss and vote at the annual business meeting. The changes are in the following Articles.
- Article V, Membership, Section 4: add branch to life member to clarify.
- Article VI, Financial Administration, Section 5: deletes the reference to IFUW which has been deleted from the AAUW model bylaws.
- Article VII, Officers
- Section I: changes composition of the elected officers to co-presidents, treasurer, and VP communications.
- Section II: delineates the appointed officers.
- Section III: eliminates reference to associate member (mandatory change)
- Article VIII, Duties of Elected Officers, Section 4, (delete) Change Section 5 and 6 to reference duties of the officers.
- Article XI Term of Office, Section 3: Spells out office terms and how vacancies are filled.
- Article XIII, Executive Committee, Section 3: changes number of officers needed to call a meeting from 1/3 to 1/2.