AAUW Top Rated Nonprofit

GreatNonprofits.org is a place to find trust­wor­thy non­prof­its and AAUW is highly rated based upon the reviews by mem­bers.

The Great­Non­prof­its is the place to get first hand accounts of mem­bers sto­ries about non­profit orga­ni­za­tions. Check out the AAUW page. Here is a sam­pling of AAUW reviews

“I’m a rel­a­tively new mem­ber to AAUW, and I wish I’d found it decades ago. There’s so much to be proud of: AAUW has had the great­est impact of any non-profit on women’s rights and equal­ity. With our Legal Action Fund, we’ve sup­ported many things that impacted women in a his­tor­i­cal way, such as Title IX. AAUW pro­vided Marie Curie with over $100,000 id research funds when no one else would find her because she was a woman. at 130 years old, the accom­plish­ments and reach of AAUW are great, and I wish more peo­ple knew of and par­tic­i­pated in this great organization.”