Fall Meeting

The Geor­gia AAUW Fall Board Meet­ing  is sched­uled for Octo­ber 30. Our thanks to Marie Bruner and the Colum­bus Branch, who will be host­ing the meet­ing at Girls, Inc, Baker Cen­ter at 3535 Levy Road, Colum­bus, GA.

I will be for­ward­ing an agenda and reg­is­tra­tion form next week, as well as direc­tions, via e-mail. Reg­is­tra­tion will begin at 9:30 AM and the meet­ing is sched­uled to end at approx­i­mately 3:30 PM.

Audrey Sal­gado, AAUW Lead­er­ship Corp, who spoke at our state con­ven­tion in April, will be the keynote speaker  and will facil­i­tate an exploratory workshop.

Mar­cia and I hope that all the Geor­gia AAUW branches will be represented.

Deb­bie Kar­vey, Co-President