Make Hotel Reservations Soon

The Geor­gia AAUW Con­ven­tion is sched­uled for the week­end of April 1st, in Warner Robins, at the Fair­field Inn. The Hous­ton Peach Branch , has found an excep­tional facil­ity for our con­ven­tion. Mem­bers will have a chance to meet and inter­act with Patri­cia Ho,  AAUW National Board of Direc­tors,  who will attend the state convention.

Reg­is­tra­tion mate­ri­als will be avail­able later in the month. Right now the pro­gram starts Fri­day, April 1 with a ban­quet and hos­pi­tal­ity event. Sat­ur­day, April 2nd will be the busi­ness meet­ing and workshops.

The Fair­field Inn is offer­ing AAUW a spe­cial room rate until March 1, 2011. If you want a spe­cial rate reser­va­tion for Fri­day night, you must con­tact the Fair­field Inn before March 1. The only rooms avail­able are suites for $94.00 plus tax. The suites have a king bed or two queens, a sofa bed and a roll­away is per­mit­ted. The nor­mal rate is $139.00 plus tax.

Here is con­tact infor­ma­tion for the Fair­field Inn & Suites by Marriott: 221 Margie Drive, Warner Robins GA, 31088
Phone 478 953‑4200 Fax  478 953‑8003. Please advise you are with AAUW  (Sales Direc­tor is Eve­lyn Jones).
The web­site for the hotel is