Convention Registration Open

The Geo­rgia AAUW con­ven­tion reg­is­tra­tion is now open. The meet­ing starts Fri­day, April 1 with reg­is­tra­tion from 4 — 6:45 p.m. and ends at 4 p.m. on April 2. The ban­quet will be Fri­day night at 7:00 p.m. fol­lowed by the hos­pi­tal­ity suite hosted by the Hous­ton Peach Branch members.

Send Reg­is­tra­tion with a check make payable to AAUW of Geor­gia in the amount of $52.00 (for reg­is­tra­tion and both meals), or Reg­is­tra­tion and sep­a­rate meal cost, if nec­es­sary, to: Marlene Humphry, Pres­i­dent, Houston-Peach Branch, 141 Majes­tic Oak Cir­cle, Byron GA 31008. The form includes the lunch selec­tion for Saturday.

Reg­is­tra­tion Form

Please reg­is­ter directly with the hotel and men­tion “AAUW” to get the reduced rate. The hotel reg­is­tra­tion dead­line has been extended to March 7.