Cobb Branch Supports Winning Robotics Team

A group of  six 12– and 13-year-old girls, affil­i­ated with Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta, won the Geor­gia State Robot­ics cham­pi­onship at Geor­gia Tech in Jan­u­ary. They went on to the national com­pe­ti­tion in St. Louis, MO on April 27–30, 2011, and were spon­sored in part by a $1,000 con­tri­bu­tion from Cobb AAUW.

The girls called their team GENIUS (Girls Explor­ing New Ideas Using Sci­ence), and they have cre­ated web­sites ( and that show­case some of their activities.

The GENIUS team won the “Make a Dif­fer­ence” judges’ award in St. Louis, sport­ing the Cobb AAUW logo on their tee-shirts, and rep­re­sent­ing the very best of AAUW’s STEM outreach!

Con­tributed by Shirley Mills, Pres­i­dent, Cobb Branch