Write Op-Eds

Pat DeWitt, AAUW Geor­gia Past Pres­i­dent, and cur­rent Pub­lic Pol­icy chair is a pub­lished news­pa­per colum­nist writ­ing on AAUW related top­ics. She started writ­ing edi­to­ri­als in 2006, long before the AAUW Voices Project, which she does par­tic­i­pate in. Twelve of her arti­cles are on the Rome News Tri­bune site includ­ing her lat­est article, on Women’s Equal­ity Day.

The AAUW Voices Project is a country-wide com­mu­nity of media first-responders, armed with train­ing, resources, and sup­port and ready to pen op-eds, let­ters to the edi­tor, blog posts, and more. The goal is to have AAUW voices pub­lished through­out the nation to edu­cate the pub­lic, spark dis­cus­sion, and influ­ence the debate.

DeWitt reports that no one in GA accepted her Equal Pay Day edi­to­r­ial this year except the Rome News-Tribune. In the next Voices Project phase, writ­ers have been asked to write about social secu­rity. She will do that on the Voices Project time­line and see what hap­pens. She also likes to pur­sue top­ics that are not leg­isla­tive as you can tell by the top­ics she has writ­ten about.

She sug­gests “that prob­a­bly any home­town paper would be more likely to pub­lish an op-ed from some­one local. There­fore we could use some more op-ed writ­ers here in Geor­gia.” She is will­ing to pro­vide a train­ing ses­sion at a state meet­ing so there are more op-ed writ­ers on AAUW topics.