Georgia AAUW has a dynamic program planned for our 2013 state convention, which will take place at the Country Inn & Suites (off of I-75 Windy Hill exit) in Marietta, GA. We are honored to have AAUW Vice President, Patricia Ho, as our convention guest from the national office. Additionally, we are honored to have LAF plaintiff, Jessica Hinves, speak about her story. An awards banquet will take place Friday night, followed by a showing of the award-winning documentary film, The Invisible War. Saturday Patricia Ho will speak about AAUW updates, initiatives and upcoming national convention in New Orleans, June 9-13. Jessica Hinves will speak about her challenges and her case, Cioca v. Rumsfeld. In the afternoon there will be a business meeting when important changes will be discussed. Please plan to join us for our state convention in Marietta. It’s always great to get together and meet new friends! For additional information please see attachment.