is a place to find trustworthy nonprofits and AAUW is highly rated based upon the reviews by members.
The GreatNonprofits is the place to get first hand accounts of members stories about nonprofit organizations. Check out the AAUW page. Here is a sampling of AAUW reviews
“I’m a relatively new member to AAUW, and I wish I’d found it decades ago. There’s so much to be proud of: AAUW has had the greatest impact of any non-profit on women’s rights and equality. With our Legal Action Fund, we’ve supported many things that impacted women in a historical way, such as Title IX. AAUW provided Marie Curie with over $100,000 id research funds when no one else would find her because she was a woman. at 130 years old, the accomplishments and reach of AAUW are great, and I wish more people knew of and participated in this great organization.”