Seventeen state leaders had a full day at the Shorter University Atlanta Campus in Riverdale discussing a range of topics and learning about how to use AAUW tools. The meeting ended with small group discussions on a variety of topics.
Topics included:
AAUW Georgia is now using the AAUW Membership Payment Program. It is now operational for all states and branches to use. Branches are encouraged to sign up. The Branch President must initiate the program. Cobb Branch reports that the MPP is easier than the old way and AAUW sends the state dues back promptly. Check out all the specifics at the Member Center at the AAUW website.
The AAUW One Member One Vote is moving forward. States are exploring options for how to govern themselves. The new AAUW structure only requires an administrator (President) and a financial contact (Treasurer). Smaller states and branches no longer have to scramble to fill multiple positions.
- AAUW Georgia will partner with Georgia Women for a Change on state policy public efforts. Their positions are complementary to AAUW public policies. They have paid staff and lobbyists that can advocate at the Georgia Legislature.
- The Atlanta branch members reported on their ongoing effort with Audrey Salgado, AAUW Leadership Corp. She was the evening speaker at the state AAUW Convention in April. Atlanta took her us on her offer to provide free help with goal setting and reviewing their structure. A second retreat is planned to review their generative action plans. Audrey is available to help branches. Audrey has helped the branch think differently about what they offer. For example, you don’t need a program very month, use your money to grow the branch rather than being so generous with outside groups, if you give scholarships now, maybe hire the people as an intern instead. College students need volunteer credit, consider the branch as a vehicle for them to volunteer.
- Participants talked about the the generational differences between younger women and the older AAUW members. AAUW’s mission should resonate with younger women.
- Debbie Karvey gave a tutorial on the AAUW website reviewing the Membership Center, the Membership Services Database, and Resources for State Leaders on the AAUW website. The computer lab allowed each person to do hands-on work. Ann MacKay offered a tutorial on Facebook using the link from the AAUW home page. She encouraged members to sign up, set the privacy settings to friends only, only friend people you know, and lurk for awhile to see what it is all about. Twitter was quickly reviewed using the AAUW link.