Summer Membership Meeting

Although the Sum­mer meet­ing is titled Lead­er­ship, it is open to all mem­bers. The Warner Robins Branch will be host­ing the meet­ing at Lind­sey Ele­men­tary School. The school has a com­puter lab so the revamped Geor­gia AAUW web­site can be demon­strated. Mem­bers attend­ing the meet­ing will also hear  reports from the national con­ven­tion, learn about resources for branches, and dis­cuss pub­lic pol­icy pro­posal for branches. Train­ing on how to set up a web­site using Word­Press will also be included. Down­load the reg­is­tra­tion form and direc­tions right here. The reg­is­tra­tion fee for refresh­ments and lunch is only $15. The dead­line is July 21, 2009.

Reg­is­tra­tion Form