Committee Deadline Extended

The AAUW com­mit­tee appli­ca­tion dead­line is extended to Sep­tem­ber 15, and announce­ments of com­mit­tee and task force appoint­ments will be made before the end of Sep­tem­ber. Please note, the Com­mu­ni­ca­tions and Research Task Forces appoint­ments will be made as the need arises. You are wel­come to sub­mit your inter­est in being selected to par­tic­i­pate as oppor­tu­ni­ties become avail­able; please indi­cate your areas of inter­est, expe­ri­ence and expertise.

Appli­ca­tions for board com­mit­tees and task forces are posted on the AAUW web­site Please read the descrip­tions and apply for those in which you have an inter­est. Appli­ca­tions may be filled out and sub­mit­ted online or down­loaded to your com­puter and emailed to  Either way, please be sure that you email your resume to as well.