State Board Meeting
Seven of the ten branches officers and members attended the AAUW of Georgia Fall Board meeting on Saturday, October 22, 2011. Branches represented were Atlanta, Cartersville, Cobb, Columbus, Houston Peach, Macon, and Rome. It definitely was a business-oriented meeting with focus on the 2011–2012 budget (presented by Bea Piddock, Cobb County Branch—state finance officer) and updating of the Working Policies and Procedures (committee chaired by Evelyn Merk, Houston Peach Branch). Some lively discussions ensued.
Review of state by-laws is pending review based on District of Columbia changes that will impact non-profit organizations including AAUW and its by-laws.
Ann MacKay, Houston Peach Branch, presented a proposal to move the Georgia AAUW state website to the AAUW platform, to save expenses for maintaining a hosting service and to provide an efficient, user-friendly format for posting / sharing information about Georgia events and activities. This was approved.
Refreshments were stellar, from the continental breakfast to the buffet style luncheon, complete with butternut squash soup. A BIG “thank you” to the Atlanta Branch, especially Sharon Bevis-Hoover, President-Elect, for her delightful hospitality. The Atlanta Branch introduced their intern, Sarah Hegener, who assisted with hospitality and is a student at Georgia State University. We also greatly appreciate Pat DeWitt (Rome) for coordinating the facility at Shorter University Riverdale Campus. This location proves to be fairly central for many branches and is computer/classroom savvy.
Pat DeWitt, Diana Witt, Debbie Karvey and Laurie Shaw reported on events attended and upcoming events related to Georgia AAUW Signature projects: GA AAUW Lobby Corps and Georgia 2012 Project Coalition. The Georgia Women’s Assembly on November 10th (posted on GA AAUW website) will be a great opportunity for members to participate in a public policy event.
Laurie and I are ecstatic to report that Virginia Merlini (Cartersville Branch President) has volunteered to serve as Georgia AAUW College/University Chair. She has a valuable resource in Betty Slater and the groundwork that she has laid in this important relationship. Laurie Shaw has been very actively involved with local institutions in her area—working to recruit Macon State College and Fort Valley State College for the C/U program.
Start planning now.The Georgia AAUW 2012 State Convention will be held in Savannah this spring.
We are investigating locations and optimal dates for the convention (possible dates are Mar 23/24; April 13/14 or April 27/28). Savannah is a lovely gathering place, and hopefully, many members will consider combining a family/friends weekend in Savannah with our state convention. This convention will be a collaborative effort, with AAUW members in Savannah being our resource guides to locations, venues, group activities and special events.It will also provide great visibility for AAUW and encourage continued AAUW involvement in the Savannah area. Hopefully all our branches and many members will be able to gather together for this Georgia AAUW and share in the friendships that this organization nurtures. Watch for notices about final details.
Hope to see many of you soon, whether engaged in AAUW missions: lobbying and/or encouraging women to run for office or just gathering together and enjoying each other’s company.
Debbie Karvey and Laurie Shaw, Co-Presidents