Branch Award Program

Does your state or branch have an inno­v­a­tive pro­gram that ben­e­fits women and girls? Apply online for AAUW’s new Break­ing through Bar­ri­ers Awards,and your pro­grams can get rec­og­nized, repli­cated, and rewarded.

Every two years, the Break­ing through Bar­ri­ers Awards will iden­tify three exem­plary branch pro­grams, as well as a select group of final­ists and hon­or­able men­tions that show­case the ways in which we are ful­fill­ing the AAUW mis­sion in our com­mu­ni­ties. Top awardees, final­ists, and hon­or­able men­tions will be hon­ored in the fol­low­ing ways:

·       Top three state/branch awardees will be announced at the 2011 AAUW National Con­ven­tion and will each receive a $3,000 cash prize.

·       Top state/branch final­ists will receive 2011 AAUW National Con­ven­tion reg­is­tra­tion dis­counts and an exhibit table at con­ven­tion to show­case their programs.

·       Top state/branch final­ists will be offered the oppor­tu­nity to have their pro­grams fea­tured as an AAUW Pro­gram in a Box on the AAUW website.

·       Top awardees, final­ists, and hon­or­able men­tions will receive recog­ni­tion in AAUW pub­li­ca­tions, web­site, and social media.

Don’t miss out on being rewarded for your suc­cess­ful state/branch pro­grams! For addi­tional infor­ma­tion about the awards, please e-mail or call 800/326‑2289.

Successful Book Sales

The three branch book sale in Atlanta was a big suc­cess in Sep­tem­ber. Atlanta, Cobb and North Ful­ton join together in the Book­fair with each branch receiv­ing funds from the Book­fair based on the num­ber of hours worked by their members.

Warner Robins com­pleted their book­fair in Octo­ber. Half of pro­ceeds from both book sales will go to AAUW Funds and the Legal Advo­cacy Fund.