One Member One Vote

Del­e­gates and mem­bers at the 2009 AAUW Con­ven­tion approved changes to the AAUW Bylaws that enabled all AAUW mem­bers (whether or not they attend the con­ven­tion) to elect can­di­dates for the AAUW Board of Direc­tors and vote on other items of busi­ness such as bylaws amend­ments, res­o­lu­tions, and the Pub­lic Pol­icy Program.

AAUW has pre­pared a brief­ing on the new One Mem­ber One Vote process. It is avail­able on the AAUW web­site.

Sub­mit an appli­ca­tion to be a can­di­date for elec­tion to the AAUW Board of Direc­tors for a two-year term begin­ning in July 2011. Click on the links below to review lead­er­ship posi­tion descriptions.

  • Pres­i­dent
  • Vice Pres­i­dent
  • Finance Vice President
  • Sec­re­tary
  • Directors-at-Large

Can­di­date appli­ca­tion forms must be sub­mit­ted by Octo­ber 1, 2010.

Infor­ma­tion about can­di­dates for board posi­tions will be posted on Decem­ber 1, 2010.

Summer Leadership Report

New Co-President, Kar­vey and Imme­di­ate Past Pres­i­dent DeWitt

Sev­en­teen state lead­ers had a full day at the Shorter Uni­ver­sity Atlanta Cam­pus in Riverdale dis­cussing a range of top­ics and learn­ing about how to use AAUW tools. The meet­ing ended with small group dis­cus­sions on a vari­ety of topics.

Top­ics included:

AAUW Geor­gia is now using the AAUW Mem­ber­ship Pay­ment Pro­gram. It is now oper­a­tional for all states and branches to use. Branches are encour­aged to sign up. The Branch Pres­i­dent must ini­ti­ate the pro­gram. Cobb Branch reports that the MPP is eas­ier than the old way and AAUW sends the state dues back promptly. Check out all the specifics at the Mem­ber Cen­ter at the AAUW website.

The AAUW One Mem­ber One Vote is mov­ing for­ward. States are explor­ing options for how to gov­ern them­selves. The new AAUW struc­ture only requires an admin­is­tra­tor (Pres­i­dent) and a finan­cial con­tact (Trea­surer). Smaller states and branches no longer have to scram­ble to fill mul­ti­ple positions.

  • AAUW Geor­gia will part­ner with Geor­gia Women for a Change on state pol­icy pub­lic efforts. Their posi­tions are com­ple­men­tary to AAUW pub­lic poli­cies. They have paid staff and lob­by­ists that can advo­cate at the Geor­gia Legislature.
  • The Atlanta branch mem­bers reported on their ongo­ing effort with Audrey Sal­gado, AAUW Lead­er­ship Corp. She was the evening speaker at the state AAUW Con­ven­tion in April. Atlanta took her us on her offer to pro­vide free help with goal set­ting and review­ing their struc­ture. A sec­ond retreat is planned to review their gen­er­a­tive action plans. Audrey is avail­able to help branches. Audrey has helped the branch think dif­fer­ently about what they offer. For exam­ple, you don’t need a pro­gram very month, use your money to grow the branch rather than being so gen­er­ous with out­side groups, if you give schol­ar­ships now, maybe hire the peo­ple as an intern instead. Col­lege stu­dents need vol­un­teer credit, con­sider the branch as a vehi­cle for them to volunteer.
  • Par­tic­i­pants talked about the the gen­er­a­tional dif­fer­ences between younger women and the older AAUW mem­bers. AAUW’s mis­sion should res­onate with younger women.
  • Deb­bie Kar­vey gave a tuto­r­ial on the AAUW web­site review­ing the Mem­ber­ship Cen­ter, the Mem­ber­ship Ser­vices Data­base, and Resources for State Lead­ers on the AAUW web­site. The com­puter lab allowed each per­son to do hands-on work. Ann MacKay offered a tuto­r­ial on Face­book using the link from the AAUW home page. She encour­aged mem­bers to sign up, set the pri­vacy set­tings to friends only, only friend peo­ple you know, and lurk for awhile to see what it is all about. Twit­ter was quickly reviewed using the AAUW link.

Summer Leadership Planned

There will be a Geor­gia AAUW Sum­mer Lead­er­ship Work­shop on July 24th, at the Shorter Uni­ver­sity exten­sion cam­pus in Riverdale, Georgia

Cur­rent offi­cers and new offi­cers are encour­aged to attend this col­lab­o­ra­tive workshop. The meet­ing will be held at Shorter Uni­ver­sity Cam­pus, Riverdale, GA, which is located at 1903 Phoenix Blvd Atlanta, GA 30349–5588.

10:15–11:00            Report on 2009 Con­ven­tion changes and ini­tia­tives and impact on AAUW of Georgia

11:00–11:15             Morn­ing Break

11:15–12:15               Com­puter Train­ing: / MSD / MPP / Tools

12:15–1:00   Lunch

1:00–1:45                   Online and Sup­port Resources for Branches and Office

1:45–2:00                        After­noon Break

2:00–2:30                        Pub­lic Pol­icy Con­sid­er­a­tions for State/Branch actions

2:30–2:45                        2010 / 2011 Pro­posed Budget

2:45–3:45                        Offi­cers brain­storm­ing collaborative

3:45–4:00                        Wrap-up and evaluation

Reg­is­tra­tion fee for the day is $15.00, which includes con­ti­nen­tal break­fast, lunch and mate­ri­als.  Box lunches will be pro­vided by Chik-Fil-A.  We will have sweet tea, unsweet­ened tea and water.

The reg­is­tra­tion form can be down­loaded here.