Proposed Bylaws

The state bylaws have been reviewed with sev­eral changes being sug­gested. Down­load the pro­posed bylaws to review and be pre­pared to dis­cuss and vote at the annual busi­ness meet­ing. The changes are in the fol­low­ing Articles.

  • Arti­cle V, Mem­ber­ship, Sec­tion 4: add branch to life mem­ber to clarify.
  • Arti­cle VI, Finan­cial Admin­is­tra­tion, Sec­tion 5: deletes the ref­er­ence to IFUW which has been deleted from the AAUW model bylaws.
  • Arti­cle VII, Officers
    • Sec­tion I: changes com­po­si­tion of the elected offi­cers to co-presidents, trea­surer, and VP communications.
    • Sec­tion II: delin­eates the appointed officers.
    • Sec­tion III: elim­i­nates ref­er­ence to asso­ciate mem­ber (manda­tory change)
  • Arti­cle VIII, Duties of Elected Offi­cers, Sec­tion 4, (delete) Change Sec­tion 5 and 6 to ref­er­ence duties of the officers.
  • Arti­cle XI Term of Office, Sec­tion 3: Spells out office terms and how vacan­cies are filled.
  • Arti­cle XIII, Exec­u­tive Com­mit­tee, Sec­tion 3: changes num­ber of offi­cers needed to call a meet­ing from 1/3 to 1/2.

Convention Registration

The AAUW state con­ven­tion starts Fri­day evening, April 16, 2010 after the Siegel Con­fer­ence. Reg­is­tra­tion  at the Ken­ne­saw Wingate is 5:00 — 7:00 p.m. fol­lowed by the Awards Ban­quet at the Man­sour Cen­ter in Ken­ne­saw. Sat­ur­day pro­grams will be at the Wingate.

AAUW Ses­sions on Sat­ur­day will include:

  • An update on AAUW national pro­grams and activ­i­ties by Mar­cia Capri­otti A lot of great things have been happening!
  • A panel of women’s stud­ies fac­ulty from local uni­ver­si­ties on cur­rent issues: What is fem­i­nism today? What do young peo­ple (their stu­dents) think about equity for women and girls? What are the fac­tors that keep women from remain­ing in STEM professions?
  • A guest from The White House Project will speak and talk with us on the impor­tance of women run­ning for office.
  • Branch reports on Mis­sion Ori­ented Activities

Down­load the reg­is­tra­tion form and mail to Pres­i­dent Elect Deb­bie Kar­vey. The address is on the reg­is­tra­tion form. The cost will be $30 for reg­is­tra­tion and $36.50 for din­ner on Fri­day night and lunch. The Wingate hotel will be $89.99 plus tax for Fri­day night only. If you choose to attend the Siegel Insti­tute Phe­nom­e­nal Women Con­fer­ence on Fri­day and need to spend the night Thurs­day, a Cobb branch will find a friend for you  to stay with. A $30 sub­sidy is avail­able from AAUW to help any­one inter­ested in attend­ing the Phe­nom­e­nal Women Conference.

2010 AAUW Con­ven­tion Registration

Paycheck Fairness Hearing Set

The Sen­ate Com­mit­tee on Health, Edu­ca­tion, Labor, and Pen­sions will finally hold a hear­ing on the Pay­check Fair­ness Act (S.182) on March 11. As AAUW mem­bers are quite aware, the Pay­check Fair­ness Act is a much needed updated of the 46-year-old Equal Pay Act. This com­pre­hen­sive bill – which now has 37 Sen­ate cospon­sors – would cre­ate stronger incen­tives for employ­ers to fol­low the law, empower women to nego­ti­ate for equal pay, and strengthen fed­eral out­reach, edu­ca­tion and enforce­ment efforts. The bill would also deter wage dis­crim­i­na­tion by strength­en­ing penal­ties for equal pay vio­la­tions and by pro­hibit­ing retal­i­a­tion against work­ers who ask about employ­ers’ wage prac­tices or dis­close their own wages. In short, the bill updates the law to reflect the prac­tices and processes under more recent civil rights laws. Fol­low­ing the enact­ment of the Lilly Led­bet­ter Fair Pay Act last year, pass­ing the Pay­check Fair­ness Act is a log­i­cal next step for­ward in the fight for pay equity.

SB 182 was intro­duced in Jan­u­ary 2009 by then Sen­a­tor Hillary Clinton.

AAUW will be live blog­ging the hear­ing that day so even if you are work­ing you can fol­low along with the pro­ceed­ings on your com­puter or smart­phone. You can even sign up for a reminder for the live blog­ging event on the AAUW website.