Women’s History Month

March is National Women’s His­tory Month, and AAUW has strong ties to this annual cel­e­bra­tion of women his­tory mak­ers. AAUW is an estab­lished his­toric orga­ni­za­tion that has helped — and con­tin­ues to help — women make history. With that in mind, AAUW is excited to part­ner with the National Women’s His­tory Project in its 30th anniver­sary year, which has the theme “Writ­ing Women Back into History.”

March is National Women’s His­tory Month, and AAUW has strong ties to this annual cel­e­bra­tion of women his­tory mak­ers. AAUW is an estab­lished his­toric orga­ni­za­tion that has helped — and con­tin­ues to help — women make history. With that in mind, AAUW is excited to part­ner with the National Women’s His­tory Project in its 30th anniver­sary year, which has the theme “Writ­ing Women Back into History.”

Test your knowl­edge of women in his­tory by check­ing the NWHP website.

Art Contest

Red Bicycle

Don’t for­got to vote in the AAUW Art Con­tent. You can vote for six images once every seven days.  Vot­ing started Feb­ru­ary 12 and ends March 11, 2010. Warner Robins artist, Mar­garet Math­ews has an entry titled, Red Bicy­cle.

Here is the link to vote for images. You will need your mem­ber num­ber to vote. If you don’t remem­ber it, use the mem­ber ID lookup.