
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays,

As so many of us are whirling through the holidays and gathering to celebrate with friends and family, there is also a sense of looking forward to the promise of a new year.

Accomplishments in 2014 are successes to celebrate: Many branches and members are to be applauded for successful fundraising book sales and activities, Sister to Sister Summits, contributions to local scholarships, community involvement and projects, achievements in public policy advocacy as well as AAUW Funds philanthropy.

At a local level there are branches working towards renewal and new beginnings, as well as developing programs to engage members and guests to expand the mission of AAUW to promote equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy and research. We continue to stand up and be counted, because equity is still an issue.

At a state level, AAUW of Georgia is looking forward to branch members gathering in Valdosta for our state convention in April. The host branch, Valdosta, is planning a warm reception the evening of Friday, April 24th that will be a lively gathering of old and new friends and an opportunity to share memories and make new friends. On Saturday, April 25th, the convention will take place at the Hilton Garden Inn in Valdosta. The program will include guest speaker from national, local guest speaker(s), a documentary film and interaction with AAUW student members. Please plan to share in this time together and mark it on your calendar … carpooling will make a difference in your travel plans.

Please look for the Cherokee Rose Newsletter to come out in February with news from around the state as well as detail information and registration form for the state convention. Please submit any branch articles to Cherokee Rose Editor, Deborah Van Petten ( no later than 1/20/15 if you want your branch news to be included in the February issue.

At a national level, it is an AAUW Convention Year. This year it is in San Diego, June 18-21. Have you already registered? Register by January 15th to get the lowest rate. AAUW of Georgia hopes that there will be many branch members from across the state that will plan to attend. Consider taking some extra time and explore San Diego together and with family and friends. Please go to to get detail information and register.

ConventionBannerEnjoy your holidays, have a safe and joyful time,
and we look forward to all our times together in 2015!

Come have your voice heard in this dialogue on race, nonviolence, and reconciliation.

In his book Stride Toward Freedom Dr. King explained that nonviolent methods are “not an end in themselves; they are merely means to awaken a sense of moral shame in the opponent. The end is redemption and reconciliation.The aftermath of nonviolence is the beloved community, while the aftermath of violence is tragic bitterness.”

StrideTowardFreedomThe YWCA of Greater Atlanta, in partnership with the National Center for Civil and Human Rights (NCCHR), is sponsoring circle dialogues in the spirit of creating the beloved community. The first dialogue will take place at the YWCA of Greater Atlanta on Martin Luther King’s Birthday, January 15th, 2015 from 6:30-8:00PM.

The dialogue will center around a TED talk given by Verna Myers called “You Can Help Stop the Violence Against Young Black Men.” Click here to view the talk.

Do you know your unspoken assumptions or associations? We encourage you to take the Implicit Association Test in preparation for the dialogue as a great way to gain insight into how these beliefs unknowingly impact the way you see the world.

Sign up to attend the Beloved Community – Circle Dialogue. There is a $10 fee that may be paid online or at the door. The program is limited to 80 people, so register soon!

NationalCenterforCivilandHumanRightsAlso be sure to visit our partners at the newly developed National Center for Civil and Human Rights located downtown.

Learn more about the museum and its many exhibits on the U.S. Civil Rights Movement and various international movements for human rights.

Georgia AAUW: Fall Board Meeting

With a new AAUW year starting on July 1st, Georgia AAUW board members are busy planning for branch successes across the state.

  • Mark your calendars for Saturday, September 6th and plan to attend the Fall Board Meeting. The location is Country Inn & Suites in Marietta … the same location as last year. Registration with agenda and location directions will be coming out soon. All new branch leaders as well as returning branch leaders should plan to attend.
  • Our state organizer, Char Singleton, has prepared a targeted training program for grass roots activism which will be presented at the meeting.
  • GA AAUW’s primary goal is to support passage of the Family Care Act in Georgia as well as plans to collaborate with AAUW student chapters on campus to focus on pay equity, human trafficking and voter education/registration.
  • This is also a time to focus on GOTV activities in your local areas … encourage voter registration for the general election as well as encourage community members to vote.

To view our Fall Board Meeting agenda and registration form, please click here.