October 13th, GA AAUW Fall Board Meeting was held in Centerville, GA. Six of nine branches were in attendance to meet voting quorum requirements.
Presiding over the meeting were Co-Presidents, Laurie Shaw and Diana Witt.
We were delighted to meet and work with Karen Allen, new to Georgia and a member representing the North Fulton Branch.
The state dues ad hoc committee, chaired by Bea Piddock, provided their recommendation to the board, and the board voted to present this motion at the spring convention. Detailed information on the state dues motion as well as a motion to move to the national AAUW model of One Member One Vote from the current state delegate system will be included in the spring issue of the Cherokee Rose.
Bea Piddock presented the 2012-2013 budget. Following some discussion, the budget was approved as presented.
A major topic of discussion was the spring convention which will be held in the Atlanta metro area in April of next year. Location and dates are currently in progress. Some great program ideas have been put forth and will bring great mission-based focus to the spring event. This information will be provided as soon as details are completed.
Debbie Karvey provided information about Public Policy events and projects.
After attending a program in September at the Loudermilk Center as a representative of GA AAUW, Debbie reports that the Rutgers 2012 project is still a key collaboration for GA AAUW to continue to be involved in and work towards even greater successes in the future.
Our other key initiative to report on is the formation of a Georgia AAUW Lobby Corps. Debbie provided information about the Georgia Women’s Policy Institute projects that are being worked on (Senior Citizens Protection) that will result in resolutions / bills being submitted to the 2013 Georgia Assembly. GWPI participation will be a key resource to initiate the Georgia AAUW Lobby Corps.
Additionally, partnering with Georgia League of Women Voters resulted in Atlanta AAUW Book Fair providing registration forms and voter information during the sale. All Branches are encouraged to continue with any and all voter education outreach to the community prior to the general election date, Tuesday, November 6th.
GA AAUW is also involved with efforts to promote the Family Care Act and working with Georgia Job Collaborative.
The GA AAUW 2012-2013 public policy issues focus will be announced after the Georgia Women’s Assembly on October 26, 2012.
Also, the Cobb County Branch invites participation of other Georgia Branches in CTAUN’s March 2, 2013 event at Georgia State University. The program will be focused on actions to eradicate poverty – a millennium goal of the UN.