Rome Branch Family Friendly Initiative

Rick Tew, Human Resources Direc­tor, Floyd Med­ical Cen­ter Mary Shotwell Smith, Pres­i­dent of Rome Branch Helen Cobb-Runninger, Net­work Day Ser­vice Center

Rome, GA AAUW gave their first Fam­ily Friendly Work­place Place Awards to two employ­ers in May. The effort was an ini­tia­tive pro­moted by Imme­di­ate Past Pres­i­dent Patri­cia DeWitt dur­ing her term in office.

Using a pre­pared check­list, employ­ers were inter­viewed. The larger employer award went to Floyd Med­ical Cen­ter and the smaller employer award went to the Net­work Day Ser­vice Cen­ter, an agency that pro­vides work for devel­op­men­tally dis­abled clients.

The awards were given at the Ice Cream Social which became a com­mu­nity event when the award win­ners brought fam­ily mem­bers to the event.

The com­plete report is avail­able by down­load­ing here.