Cartersville-Bartow Branch in conjunctions with the GHC student PAGE chapter is sponsoring a State School Superintendent Candidate Forum on October 7, 7:00 p.m. at Georgia Highlands College. It is located at the Cartersville Campus, 5441 Highway 20, NE, Cartersville, GA. This is a great opportunity to hear what the candidates have to say about the future of education in Georgia. You are invited to submit questions for the candidates in advance. Please send questions to Diane Sakmar.
New Facebook Page
AAUW Georgia has a new Facebook page. Check it out at and click on the LIKE sign. Sign up for Facebook and get AAUW updates right in your news feed if you are not already a member. If you have women friends and colleagues on Facebook, tell them to check it out.
Rome Branch Family Friendly Initiative

Rick Tew, Human Resources Director, Floyd Medical Center Mary Shotwell Smith, President of Rome Branch Helen Cobb-Runninger, Network Day Service Center
Rome, GA AAUW gave their first Family Friendly Workplace Place Awards to two employers in May. The effort was an initiative promoted by Immediate Past President Patricia DeWitt during her term in office.
Using a prepared checklist, employers were interviewed. The larger employer award went to Floyd Medical Center and the smaller employer award went to the Network Day Service Center, an agency that provides work for developmentally disabled clients.
The awards were given at the Ice Cream Social which became a community event when the award winners brought family members to the event.
The complete report is available by downloading here.